Plan for 2025

Published at 12:16 2025-01-01

So, it is end of the year and there is a lot changed in last year. I want to look back in the future and lay out what will be done next year.

Mod Support

This year mod support was not existent so I decided to replan projects an find finally time for them.

Mods in Development:


Maintanance / Update only:

In consideration to drop:


In the beginning the most mods in development ware made in march or last year. Due time constrains by my student aspirations, I have limited or paused development of these mods.

Lightest Lamps will get update to newest version and mod will move to NeoForge Mod Loader for future stability. The modloader wars are not more for me, supporting many platforms and drama modloaders ware not good time investment. The Fabric version will be unified with Forge version and best features will be combined. Also there is plan to move Lightest Lamps to smaller scope as a feature in my other mod that is in development.

Temperature Tresholds that was funny experience... I lost repository and I was decompiling my own code so I could update. I got a lot of good comments about that mod. It was my first mod released on Steam platform. Thank you everyone for support! So there ware updates that I did not knew that broke code... So there will be update soon.

Time ago I made annoucment about Reforested, works ware advancend until a single day someone used that name and I lost all motivation and vision for project. Not only that, my artist that I commisioned just stopped working for me, because of "life problems". For now I don't have any money for so large project.


Last year I was learning Rust and I made small project and I have some on the horizon. For Tiels project... It will come back. For 2025 there will be release of Tiels II Alpha. Something that was good enough but I never published (the code or early build).

For Tonneru will be inprovements but it is low piority project.

There are 2 large project in the works made in Rust. When there will be ready for release there will be a blog post.

Game Developmet

So I was lucky with previous job and if not my University of Applied Science I could continue working there. My friend one day asked me to work with him on game, so I said yes and we started in 10 member team, now works only 2 persons. Plan was to use Godot but after lossing trust after "Rouge moderator incident" ware decided to use Bevy Engine for an game engine. For Project W I move to Godot Fork (Blazium) for safety.

About my self

Last two years ware something else, I learned Rust, I started watching Anime and learning Japanese. Fixing my gap in mathematics. Fighting with bad well-being. Learning about flaws of some schools (they don't like people like me that have more knowlage than teachers).

What now? I take a break for making portfolio and preparing for University with Computer Science / Game Development were I can progress more or even go beyond that.

I am thinking to stop reading socials and go do something that I can share and not get annoyed by the next game company. Even if everyone in these days is against each other and we are very polarized. I want say thank you for reading and existing in so crazy word as right now.

- Prefex .DEV 2024

ps. I lost database again, but this will be last time. Really.